About Us
The ECS UC Berkeley Student Chapter was resumed in January 2024. The chapter aims to promote discussion and collaboration between electrochemistry and solid-state science students in the UC Berkeley and San Francisco Bay area. We are always looking for active members who want to participate in these events and get closer contact with their peers from all UC Berkeley campuses and LBNL.
If you are interested in joining the ECS Student Chapter at UC Berkeley, please fill out this form.
Mission and Goals
The mission of an ECS student chapter is to provide students the opportunity to foster a greater understanding as well as promote electrochemical and solid-state science and technology amongst its peers, to further enhance their professional development and to enrich their academic experience.
Engage with fellow students and peers
Opportunities to organize technical meeting programs and scholarly activities
Collaborate with members to present posters at ECS bi-annual meetings
A network of 8000 international ECS members
Access to career resources
Impressive extracurricular activity for resume
Funding to support chapter activities
Partnership opportunities with local ECS Section on activities and technical programs
Recognition on the ECS website and in quarterly publication, Interface
Current Chapter Officers
Justin Rastinejad
Jaeheon Lee
Zachary Tronstad
Ning Guo
Current Faculty Advisor
Bryan McCloskey