CESET research missions spans across disciplines that involve electrochemical processes.
Major current research areas are in:
- Battery science including new materials, and interface and devices engineering, for durable, low-cost, recylable, energy dense, and rapid-charging electrical energy storage
- Electrolyzer devices engineering for scalable low-cost hydrogen, carbon based fuels, commodity and fine chemicals production from renewable electricity
- High and intermediate temperature electrochemical systems for decarbonizing industrial processes
- Photochemical reactions for solar fuel generation from molecules and semiconductors
- Fuel cell devices for high power mobile clean electricity generation
- Fundamental studies of ion and electron-transfer at reactive electrochemical interfaces
- Fundamental studies of the electrified water solid interface, including development of state of the art computational models
- Electrocatalysis and interfacial materials design
- Polymers and ionomers in solid state electrolytes
- Durabilty science and corrosion in electrochemical technology
- Theory of electrochemical interfaces
Please contact electrochemistry@berkeley.edu for more information about CESET research or to join th CESET effort.