Join the team!

Boettcher Group 2024 at UC Berkeley

Interest in postdoctoral, PhD, visiting scholar, or undergraduate research opportunities should be communicated to and in consideration for appointments at UCB or LBNL. Because Prof. Boettcher recieves a large volume of requests and inquiries, he cannot respond to each one.

Undergraduates at UC Berkeley interested in undertaking significant research projects with the goal of publisihing thier work in peer-reviewed international journals should send a brief e-mail outlining thier interest, a resume highlighting background and experience, and an unofficial transcript. Students from outside instititions may also be considered for research internships, but should have stipend scholarship or fellowship funding for the research experience externally.

***Attention undergraduates***: the lab is pausing onboarding of new undergraduate researchers until the lab until Summer (May/June) 2025. If you are interested in summer research opportunities, with the option to extend into the academic year, please fill out this Google form with your contact information. We will reach out in Spring (or earlier if positions become available) with more details on how to interview and possibly join the team. Undergraduates students are always welcome to attend our group meetings to learn more about the team's research at any point.

Graduate students interested joining our team should apply to either the Department of Chemistry or the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Admission decisions are made by the admissions commitee and not by individual faculty in the College of Chemistry. PhD students should apply for external graduate fellowships.

Postdoctoral Scholar Applicants should send a CV and short description of interests and plan to apply for fellowships. International postdoctoral scholar applicants should search for fellowship funding that is available to them from thier home country.  

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Diversity Equity and Inclusion

The Boettcher group strives to create an inclusive, respectful environment to support a diverse community of students, staff, and faculty. Diversity and inclusion are core values that guide our decisions and policies. We welcome and encourage talented and motivated individuals of all racial, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, nationalities, and all sexual orientations, gender identities, disabilities, to join us here in Berkeley in our pursuit of advancing electrochemical science and technology!

You can read our group philosophy document, developed by the team and group alumni (updated annually) to get a sense of what our team cares about.